Election of Auspiscious Dates

Astrological election of auspiscious dates:

I calculate for you positive, suitable, auspiscious, fruitful dates for your  plans and undertakings. 

This can include private, personal issues like relocation, dating, marriage, children, finding a job, signing contracts, buying, selling, investing money, starting projects and all types of important plans and decisions.

Or it can be about your professional and/or business projects: when to start or open up a new business, shop or any project and agenda.

I calculate for you the best timing using the transits of planets in relation to your individual birth chart plus any other type of information about the timeline of your projects like the foundation chart or the signing of contracts charts for your business and job.

This will help you to make the important steps in your life in harmony with the natural transit cycles of the planets in relation to your birth chart.

This service can be combined with my astrogeographical consultation services to combine the timing with the evaluation of the place where you intend to make your next move.


Costs: fees depend on the type of project and question


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Astrology, astrogeography in Berlin, karma astrology from the point of view of astrological psychology,, medcal astrology,

Please contact me
per E-Mail to astrogeography@email.de
or call me at +49(0)30 345 12 33
(Mo–Fr 10:00–18:00 Uhr EST/UT +1h)